The Truth About Being a Girl Mom

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Cute Shoes and Outfits and Make-up, Oh My!

Omg. The outfits are seriously adorable. I’m not joking when I constantly ask little girls these days, “Does that come in my size?”. Now that my own girls are getting older, I’m finding that my oldest daughter and I now have the same size feet. She now wants to borrow my Sorels while I want to borrow her comfy Crocs. It is usually a hard “NO” on the Sorels ($$$), but I don’t mind if she needs to borrow the occasional athletic shoe. I also don’t mind NOT having to purchase her new shoes every 3 months because now she can just borrow mine! I’m sure the same will soon come for clothes, but we haven’t quite reached that point yet. It is a combination of me needing to lose 30 pounds while she continues to grow and develop. I’m sure we will be stealing each other's clothes in no time!

I do find that I have to hide some of my favorite socks, skin care, make-up, and headbands. However, I believe the saying is, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Ummmm yeah, I believe I’m actually the one who paid for that adorable, fluffy pink scrunchie. Therefore, if you decide to permanently borrow my socks and then lose them, I am going to temporarily borrow your fluffy pink hair accessories and return them at my own convenience.  YOLO, little divas!

Girls Are Expensive

I already know that I’m expensive, sooooo the same seems to go for my daughters. If we aren’t spending extra cash on unnecessary accessories, shoes, and clothes; then we are certainly spending it on extra curricular. My girls love dance, gymnastics, and music; and my bank account could tell you all about it! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE watching them do what they love, but it definitely adds up to what feels like a second mortgage payment some months. So if you are a mother of girls who want to stay active, you’ll want to start researching your next side hustle, like, yesterday. 

The Emotional Rollercoasters

The cool thing is, unlike boys, girls typically don’t destroy your stuff on an impulse or burp and fart inappropriately. However, they WILL carry with them a vast array of emotions that will change faster than you can say, “Please pass the Midol.” And as your little princesses approach the Tween years, those emotions multiply. One minute, she is crying and screaming about losing her favorite book mark, the next minute she is leaping across the living room and giggling with her friends. The funny, yet reassuring, thing is that your Tween is more than likely just as shocked by the drastic change of emotions as you are. This will present a wonderful learning and bonding opportunity for you and your daughter, as she is learning healthy ways to cope with her emotions while also feeling validated in the perplexities of growing up. So give her grace (and maybe some Midol with a side of ice cream) as you help coach her through some difficult and big feelings during a very confusing time in her life. Remember-this is all new to her. She is learning about it for the first time, and it is your job to be her guide.

Sisterly Love

I don’t know what I would do without my sister. Period. She is my best friend and one of the first people I turn to when life gets tough. Family is everything, and a sisterly bond is something that a lot of women won’t ever get the opportunity to experience. So while you or your spouse might be wondering what life would have been like to have a boy, don’t forget the greatest gift you have ever given your girls….each other. They will still have each other long after you and your spouse are gone. Nourish that relationship and really emphasize just how lucky they are to have each other. 

Mother-Daughter Bond

Finally, the mother-daughter bond has so many unique qualities, some of which can’t really be expressed through words. You will be her comfort in all things female related. You will be there when she picks out her wedding dress, before she walks down the aisle, and when she has babies of her own. She will not want anyone else. She will only want you, her Momma. The wise person who has already walked in her shoes, and can provide the best advice to fit her needs. The person who knows her little girl better than anyone else. Cherish that bond, through the good times and the challenging ones. All of those experiences only make the bond that much stronger, and one day it will feel more like the strongest-most unique and loving friendship you have ever had.

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Losing My Mother